Category: Fixed Route with Deviation
Fixed Routes with Deviation Fares
The base fare is $1.25 for the first zone and $.50 for each additional zone. If the vehicle deviates off of route for your travel (up to a quarter mile), an additional $1.00 is added to your fare.
About Fixed Routes with Deviation. One of the ways that ATA tries to provide cost-effective public transportation is to operate deviated Fixed Routes. These operate like fixed routes with fixed stops but unlike fixed routes, are allowed to deviate up to 1/4 mile. The bus may deviate only up to 1/4 mile and only when pre-determined by the Mobility Management Center. The route’s schedule is flexible enough to allow for these deviations while keeping to a time schedule.
When riders use the fixed portion of the route, their fare is based on $1.25 for the first zone and $.50 for each additional zone traveled. If the driver deviates to pick up a passenger off of route, the fare is increased by a $1.00 (called a Convenience Fare)
All deviated fixed routes operating within a community have a single fare of $1.25. Convenience fare of $1.00 is added for any deviation off of route.
All deviated fixed routes operating between communities have a base fare of $1.25 plus a $.50 fare for each zone crossing. Convenience fare of $1.00 is added for any deviation off of route.
Discount Programs for Deviated Fixed Routes
Children 12 and under ride at 1/2 of the regular fare (rounded up to the neartest nickel)
Fares for properly registered seniors and persons with disabilities are discounted up to 85% when reserving transportation at least one day prior. These individuals pay at least 15% of the fare.